Offaly Local Economic & Community Plan 2023-2028 – High Level Goals Consultation Questionnaire
Offaly County Council is striving to make Offaly a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable county. As part of this we are now developing our Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) to bring this vision forward. To help us with our thinking and planning, we want to hear from people living and working in County Offaly.
The new Local Economic and Community Plan will have a big impact on the future of County Offaly. We want your thoughts and ideas on how we can grow in a way that is sustainable, inclusive and helps to address the big challenges we face, building our resilience so we can thrive into the future.
As the framework for the economic and community development of Offaly, the LECP will be the primary mechanism at local level to bring forward relevant actions arising from the proposed high level goals and other government policies.
To help inform your feedback, Offaly LCDC has developed the following documents which can be viewed on the Councils website at:!56H6LR
A: Socio Economic Statement and High Level Goals Document
B: Offaly Socio Economic Profile
C: Offaly Economic Strategy and Action Plan 2022 - 2027
Please note that this online survey will close at 4pm on Monday, 24th July 2023.
Further contributions will not be possible after this date.
Use the 'Save & Quit' option should you wish to complete in more than one sitting.